The Namakagon Lake Association
Namakagon Lake Association Membership Form
We would like to invite you to become a member of the Namakagon Lake Association. We would like to invite you to join us, meet fellow lake dwellers, and have your voice heard.
Please help us by becoming a member of the NLA.
For more information and our membership form, please CLICK HERE.
Invitation for public comments
An advisory committee to The Namakagon Lake Association recently updated the Namakagon Chain Aquatic Plant Management Plan. A draft version of this plan is available for review, and public comment is welcomed through August 15. A plan summary and digital version of the plan can be viewed below:
Lake Namakagon Chain Aquatic Plant Management Plan Summary July 2023
Namakagon Lake Aquatic Plant Management Plan – Draft July 2023
Please send comments to: harmonyenv@amerytel.net
Our Mission
It is our goal to preserve and protect Lake Namakagon as an environmentally healthy watershed, by sponsoring educational programs, adopting a pro-active role in the formulation of water and shore land regulations, and responsible use of this unique and irreplaceable resource for all citizens.
The Namakagon Lake Association, Inc. was formed in 1995 for the purpose of preserving and protecting Lake Namakagon and its environs. The Namakagon Lake Association, Inc. (NLA) is a not for profit organization that relies on the contributions and membership fees of land owners and other concerned citizens for its funding.
Proudly protecting this resource for all to enjoy!

Lake Namakagon Courtesy Code
Know and obey Wisconsin boating safety rules.
Be courteous on the water. Remember, anglers fish early and late in the day.
Stay far enough away from the shoreline to prevent wave-action erosion and to safeguard nesting waterfowl.
Inspect and clean your boat, motor and trailer to prevent the spread of exotic species.
Please immediately report any exotic species to the Namakagon Lake Association.
NEVER empty your bait bucket or release live bait into the lake.
Empty AND dry all live wells, bilges, and ballast takes BEFORE entering the lake.
Operate motorized boats at slow speeds in shallow water.
Observe “no wake” zones.
Operate your boat or personal watercraft with consideration for swimmers, anglers and shoreline dwellers.
Dispose of all trash properly, including food.
Use non-lead sinkers to protect the common loons that use the lake.
R – E – S – P – E – C – T
The rights of others.
Enjoy wildlife from a distance.
Heed the boating regulations – go slowly.
Watch your noise and your wake.
Have fun – share the moments with your friends.
Other people and creatures on the lake.
Take your trash home.