Membership and Donations

Please fill in the form below to become a member, renew your membership, and/or make a donation.

"*" indicates required fields

Please select membership type:
General Fund Donation
Walleye and Habitat Fund Donation
Invasive Weed Control Fund Donation
In Memory or Honor of
Enter Name


Payments are processed securely on our PayPal page. You will be able to use your credit card or checking (debit) account if you do not have a PayPal account.

If you prefer to make your payment by check, please CLICK HERE to use our printable membership form.

NLA is a 501c3 org – as a non-profit, members may deduct dues and donations. To pay using MasterCard or Visa credit card, please select credit card from drop down below. To pay using your PayPal account, please select PayPal Checkout below.
Payment Method
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa
Card Number
Expiration Date Security Code  
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.